
Alfresco Tuscan Weddings / Blog  / Decals and Messages for Weddings Shoes in Tuscany
Decals and Messages for Weddings Shoes

Decals and Messages for Weddings Shoes in Tuscany

Ideas for Weddings Shoes in Tuscany

How to choose Weddings Shoes in Tuscany

Don’t worry about your Weddings Shoes in Tuscany! At BeA Alfresco Wedding we have several ideas for you to use on your wedding shoes which will amuse your guests when you kneel down in church – we know it’s a serious occasion, but it’s fun to do something to give everyone a small and unexpected giggle! Just don’t do what a friend of mine did and leave the price tag on your new wedding shoes – that did make everyone laugh, but he didn’t know why we were all giggling until later!

The bride has many options: from writing “Mrs. Smith” (actually, you would use her real new name) on the sole of her left shoe, and “Estab. 2013” on her right, to “I” on the sole of her left shoe and “Do” on her right. She can also use an old Greek custom, which is also used in America, and have all her bridesmaids and single female guests write their names on the soles of her bridal shoes – and decide either that the names left ON her shoes will indicate who will be married next; or, the names that have rubbed OFF her shoes by the end of the wedding will be those of the next brides! Of course, you will have to have a deadline for this and decide beforehand whether the names should be left on the shoes or rubbed off…

Of course, you should make sure when using a permanent ink marker that the ‘inscription’ is totally dry before either the bride or groom steps into their shoes and walks down the aisle on a white or light colored carpet.

Either the bride or groom can write a romantic note on the soles of their wedding shoes; something that both of them can relate to – the date they met or their wedding date.

The bridegroom can also have humorous wedding shoe decals or writing on his wedding shoes (be sure to remember to remove the price tag). He can have “He” on his left foot and “lp” on his right; or “Help” on his left and “Me” on the right. We think the choice for the groom’s shoes is even larger than that for the bride’s, as the groomsmen and bridesmaids can come up with their own sayings – and I’m sure they will have plenty of ideas for him!

You can purchase ready-made decals online from several sites; you can order the couple’s initials set with crystals to decorate the heels of the bride’s shoes, and also stick-on messages for the groom’s shoes.

This is a fun idea, and has been adopted by many of the couples who chose BeA Alfresco Wedding for their wedding in Italy – and is only limited by the imagination of the bride and groom, or the wedding party.

We hope you like our suggestion for an amusing little ‘extra’ for your wedding!

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